The Transportation Authority of Marin, TAM, shared some great news in their most recent newsletter: the next stage of the N-S Greenway has started!
For all of you who take the walking and bike path from Larkspurs Landing over the freeway to Trader Joe's, you know that the wonderful overpass ends awkwardly with a sharp turn onto the street. This next phase of the project will address that area. The plan is to extend the current path south until the Pedestrian Overcrossing. In the map, it's the area listed as "City Portion" as this section is being administerd by the City of Larkspur.
The work is going to take a few months to complete, but it should open up this summer. More bike paths can only help our community, and this one will help finish off an already great project. For more info check out the North-South Greenway Gap Closure on TAM's site.
For more info check out the North-South Greenway Gap Closure on TAM's site.
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