The Friends of Alto Tunnel and Marin County Bicycle Coalition (MCBC) are reaching out to small businesses who support (and stand to gain from) the easier transit and increased patronage that can accompany the re-opening the shuttered Alto Tunnel as a bicycle & pedestrian path to link Mill Valley, Corte Madera & Larkspur. Opeing of the tunnel will complete the North-South Greenway.
The ask is a simple/easy one; will you lend your business name and logo to a letter to the Marin Board of Supervisors asking to greenlight the next stages on scoping & planning?
The letter (with ~30 supporting business & organizations - not all yet added to this early version) is below to see a copy. Signing on to the letter is a no-cost (and virtually no-time) way to stand behind green infrastructure and community development!
Reach out to local volunteers Chris Tufts (Email) or Lee Larsen (Email) to join the movement.
Sign the community petition here: Alto Tunnel Petition
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